About the SDGzine
Collaborative publication and projects on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
why the SDGzine
- Building an SDG-conscious ecosystem
- Partners, people and projects
- SDGS & innovation
- Helping companies and organisations innovate while aligning with the SDGS
- SDG acceleration
- Repository of concepts from the Master program at the SDG Solution Space
- SDGS & Fablabs
- Linking makerspaces and fab labs to the SDGS
- SDGS & Education
- Create programs for schools to add SDGS to the curriculum
- SDGS & art & design
- Thought provoking concepts from artists, designers and other creative thinkers
- Accelerating talent
- Showcasing projects creating sustainable change
- Tools & inspiration
- Sharing best practices, exhibition concepts & hands-on tools
More information on www.sdgzine.org